Hey There!I'm Santhosh,

I'm specialized in HTML ,CSS and Photoshop

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I Specialize in

Graphic Designing as well as creating UI/UX layout for websites and mobile

UI/UX Design

Have experience in UI/UX Design and have been greatly appraised for the User Interface

Web Development

Have Designed a lot of Website for personal as well as commercial projects

Team Work

Help a lot in team work and have been able to produce succesful results

Graphic Design

Have been using Photoshop from the past 3 years and has worked and collaborated with a lot of people



Time Worked


Projects Completed


My Creative Process

All of my projects and design are based off of a practiced formula to get the result that I am looking for!


Discuss The Project

All my projects starts with discussing the project with the clients and also fellow developers and other creative people who pop in ideas to help me


Brainstroming Ideas

Once the discussion is done,I make a rough sketch in my Notepad about how the project should look.The layout and the title style typography and other stiff


UI/UX Planning

After the rough sketch,I do the intial mockup design in Adobe XD or Figma .So that it looks beautiful and take this ideas to make the further development



After the development of the code and makaing it both mobile friendly.I discuss the feel and looks from the customers and their views on the website.